Bio Fuel (Locost Class B)

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E85 Bio Fuel Locost Conversion Details

Basic conversion costs to convert petrol Locost to run on E85 Biofuel supplied by 750MC


  • Fuel tank 30% bigger than standard to allow for higher fuel consumption, including drain tap to remove unused fuel £250
  • All fuel lines to be replaced with Ethanol compliant parts £60
  • Fire Extinguisher (special) for ethanol type fuels £118
  • Replace all gaskets and seals Etc. in carb. and fit larger jets £50
  • Rolling road session to set carb. and ignition timing (3 hours) From £225
  • Fuel – Supplied by a 750 M.C. contractor is in 50 Ltr drums. Cost £1.73 per Ltr plus min 30% Extra fuel required compared with petrol this equates to £2.25 per Ltr.

Notes on Usage

E85 Biofuel is corrosive and hygroscopic. Regular checks should be made of all components that come into contact with the fuel. Being hygroscopic any fuel which has been exposed to air for any length of time will absorb water, thus meaning that the fuel has a very short shelf life.

Starting the engine in cold weather may be difficult because the fuel supplied by 750M.C. is of a fixed specification unlike road side pump E85 where the mix varies with the seasons.

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